Flower & Breathing

Tokyo, Japan
Explanation of my mask and its message
Did you know that the worldwide bee population is in decline? Global warming, pesticides, extinction of diverse flora, fauna and nesting resources in particular, are responsible for this decline. There's renewed demand for honey amongst health conscious consumers, but if the decline in the bee population continues then agriculture, which depends on pollinating bees, will be strongly affected thus having a huge economic impact. Much like honeybees who form colonies, we live in collective societies too. However, COVID-19 has forced us to live in isolation while remaining a part of society, and today we are all struggling to imagine a future together. This mask depicts a bee leaving its nest behind, flying over land and ocean towards a flower. It symbolizes hope. It's a hope that we can save and revitalise the bees by planting more flowers, as well as the feeling of relief when I breathe in nature, and my wish to fly to my dearest.
My method of creation
Mask created in

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