CORAL CHART MASK inspired by the biodiversity recovery trend presented by WWF

Shinagawa, Japan
Explanation of my mask and its message
We used coral to represent the WWF's "Biodiversity Recovery Trend Analysis Graph". The bottom of the light blue sea is the graph, and the deepest point is our present time. The graph shows a positive future prediction that biodiversity can be recovered if various measures are taken, and that coral reefs are one of the most important species that are rapidly diminishing in diversity. Corals absorb carbon dioxide and provide oxygen. In addition, coral is important as a "cradle of the sea" and "oasis of the sea" that nurtures the diversity of the sea, so I expressed coral as a symbol of biodiversity.

*The chart project® is a project developed mainly in Japan to express social issues in the form of graphs (charts) as artworks.
My solution to the environmental crisis
Dialogue and take action!
My method of creation
Mask created at a Maskbook workshop organized by
Mask created in
, in
Shinagawa, Tokyo in JAPAN
This portrait was taken by SHOKO Photography who graciously assign its rights to the Maskbook project.

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